Thursday, December 22, 2005

Something to think about:

Andrew Johnson tried to replace his Secretary of War ----> Impeachment hearings

Bill Clinton lied about a BJ in the Oval Office ----> Impeachment hearings

Richard Nixon tried to cover up a covert spying operation he ok'd ----> Resignation

George Bush -----> Started a war he admits was based on false intelligence which many sources say his administration purposely manipulated (Downing street memo), trampled the constitution with the Patriot Act, administration leaked CIA operative's name, and spies on people without due process.

Lesson - You can take a crap on the Pope while pushing the button to drop nuclear bombs on Europe while straggling two babies in each hands.... just don't get a BJ in the oval office, thats what really pisses America off...

(I'm not a liberal commie, just look at the minor offenses people committed in the past and look whats going on now... this is what polarized politics does to America)


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

Mr. Pineapples,

You have now been targeted by the NSA for phone taps, email scanning, and will be transported to Gitmo next month. Until the time of your departure, Pat Robertson will be visiting you to save your soul.

Dick Cheney

At 2:51 AM, Blogger NoOneSpecial said...

Allow me to get on my high-horse here to dissertate on why Bush is allowed to do anything and the populace will not uprise against him. 9/11!!! Don't you see? He has the ultimate trump card! War in Iraq? 9/11! High gas prices? 9/11! Spying on civilians? 9/11! I'm pretty sure he practices saying three things in front of the mirror on a daily basis: "9/11", "Terrorists", and "Evil-doers". He and his evil master, Lord Cheney of the Sith, have the population of the US so scared to leave their houses that they will allow this administration to do anything under the guise of "national security". The Civil War had ended when Johnson was impeached. There was no major war during Clinton's pseudo-scandal. Vietnam was over when Nixon resigned. People weren't scared and actually gave a shit when their government lied to them. Even during the Vietnam War, people weren't scared because Vietnam had never attacked us on our soil and posed no threat, therefore the people had the balls to do what their patriotic duty mandated them to do: end an unjust war! The correlation with Iraq and Vietnam is very similar but very different also. People (southern redneck fucks mostly, because after all, they seem to be the only ones who support Bush)are too scared that terrorists are going to show up in Mobile, AL or Odessa, TX or FuckYourSisterVille, MS with an atomic bomb and take out the local Walmart. Bush LOVES to point out that we haven't been attacked since 9/11 and that that is a direct result of his actions....BULLSHIT!!! Planning a major terrorist strike like 9/11 takes years of planning and training (read a book called The Cell....marvelous read and tells you pretty much the entire history of terrorism from the assassination of that Israeli rabbi in NYC in the 70's all the way up to 9/11). We haven't been attacked yet because if we are going to get attacked again, they are planning it now. And didn't terrorists attack Madrid and London within the past two years? Bush's policies aren't doing shit. All he is doing is taking the biggest shit on the American people and wiping his ass with the Constitution and why is he doing this? Because Fox News and the current administration have convinced Americans that speaking out against Bush is an un-American thing to do when in fact speaking out against your government is the most pro-American thing any citizen can do. Don't get me wrong, I don't only complain when a Republican is in the White House. As much as I loved Bill Clinton as a president and as a leader, his administration wasn't perfect, especially his handling of Healthcare and that that fraud that was called the assault-weapons ban. The point is, it is completely American to bitch about your leadership. If this country ever does become the blind leading the blind, we might as well just all move up to Canada...or start the Socialist revolution with me leading the way. I promise free pussy to any of my friends who help me get to the top!!!

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

LOL to both of you. Dennis you basically said what I wanted to write but was too lazy to write it. Bush can do whatever he wants because of 9/11 and honestly, the people who are his biggest supporters shouldn't be the most frightened. There was a girl in my High School class who believed that if there was a nuclear war, Montgomery Alabama would be the 2nd city hit after Washington DC....... Clearly, I have underestimated the military signifignace of the Joe L. Reed Acadome. I heard rumors that Hank Williams tomb was acutally a ICBM launching site but dispelled all until then.... These people are convinced that they are threatened and Bush keeps it that way. I hate what he's doing but he is playing the power game and winning. That is the only thing I can respect him for is he is playing the stupidity of a large portion of the populace to his advantage. I like this because I can see the dumb fish jump out of the water and I won't be suprised the next time I see them.

At 10:56 AM, Blogger AmandaMae said...

I kinda like the Joe L. Reed Acadome....and who the hell was the girl?

At 11:34 AM, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

Lindsay Williams.... who else

Miss 52 States

At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lindsey williams was just following in the footsteps of her mentor ms. norton, who thought that tumbleweed was a living creature, worthy of federal protection as an endangered species...and who also allowed a student to write an entire paper confusing martin luther king and martin luther, and then give that student and A...

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

That has to be Nathaniel, welcome to the blogosphere. I miss you man, if you ever want to come to DC you're welcome


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