Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Why Dark Harvest May Be the Best Movie Ever

Dark Harvest is the best movie ever, if_____

1) There is at least a two shot minimum for this movie (i.e. no one watches it without two shots of some spirited beverage)

2) You don't mind watching NAKED LESBIANS make out.

3) You love special effects such as christmas light eyeballs

4) You drink every time someone gets killed.

5) You drink every time you see TWO NAKED LESBIANS make out.

You may not like Dark Harvest if ______

1) Your sense of humor is comparable to a rotten 2 x 4.

2) You can't stand the idea of the black guy not getting killed first.

3) You reaaaally liked Garden State

4) You have a problem with a generator being at a house constructed in the 1930's which by the way is meticulously maintained since no one has lived in the house for 70 years.

5) You really don't like naked lesbians making out.


At 3:31 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

What if you prefer 3 naked lesbians making out?


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