Friday, December 23, 2005

Iran's President is Crazy

The president of Iran, is a nutbag.

First off, how can you not trust a president dresses like he's still at his 70's theme party?

Secondly, of course the Holocaust didn't happen! Thats right, it is a giant "Zionist Conspiracy"coordinated so well with the powers in Europe. The survivors of this so called "holocaust" were just told to say that their families and friends were slaughtered so they could leave the comforts of their homes in Europe to live in a strip of desert land. I think all of WWII was a fraud actually, and Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in NBC studios in Burbank......
Napoleon says...... Idiot!

Thirdly, he banned "Western Music and Movies" from Iran. Well, thats just one less place which can be exposed to the horror that is Ashley Simpson.


At 12:44 PM, Blogger NoOneSpecial said...

i just re-watched my future sister-in-law's performance at the Orange Bowl and laughed my ass off again. Boy she really can't sing!! I wonder who the Orange Bowl act at this year's game will be? Knowing Penn State fans and they're absolute love of horrible music, they should bring Ashlee back, she would be applauded....or worse, Kelly Clarkson.

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

ashlee simpson would be better than bruce... who should have retired ten years ago.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger NoOneSpecial said...

you are an idiot

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

Oh guess who its going to be... Reuben Studdard (American Idol)

At 12:08 PM, Blogger AmandaMae said...

are you kidding me.............please say it isnt so....

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

maybe they'll boo him too. i would.

At 11:56 AM, Blogger shimshamsean said...

well, i for one, envy the Iranians' ability to avoid Ashlee.


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