Monday, November 07, 2005

Joe Paterno = KKK Grand Dragon

PSU head football coach Joe Paterno clearly is a cross burning racist. Recently, reporters have baited the oldest coach "alive" into a recent debate about black athletes in sports. Coach Deberry from Air Force recently stated that he needed to get more "African Americans on the team to have a chance to win." This set off a media shit storm, leading some brilliant journalist to Coach Paterno. A ridiculous media shit storm ensued. Paterno said the game has changed since African Americans began playing.... who would really argue this? Who could really argue this? Sports in America are one of the few things that PC quotas can't touch and look what has happened. The NBA is over 90% African American, NFL is over 70% African American, Baseball is over 60% African American, clearly there is a trend here. I understand the danger of stereotyping cultures but sometimes facts are facts. Trash cans are alot cleaner now that all these Mexicans are here. If Joe Paterno said something to the effect of, our graduation rates are down because of all these African Americans, that would be something to get your panties in a wad over. His statement was simply blown out of proportion by some journalist who knew he'd get that exact soundbyte out of a 78 year old man.

Black guys are good at sports
Asian guys have small wangs
White guys are average at everything


At 6:40 PM, Blogger NoOneSpecial said...

We all know that South Americans are the best at EVERYTHING!! We have the best marijuana and the best cocaine and the best coffee....what else is there? Oh, and we have massive dongs!

At 10:57 PM, Blogger AmandaMae said...

IM slightly disturbed by the fact you stereotyped Asian guys having small wangs..........Asian Dongs have you seen?!


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