Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Fact is, the bird flu will strike probably within the next 10 years and kill 10's to 100's of millions of people and it is basically the fault of South East Asia. They lack proper (civilized) methods of animal slaughter and storage and its just basically a breeding ground for disease. The flu itself is a virus we have shared with birds and pigs for thousands of years and occassionally once one strain that affects one species jumps to the other, then you see these super hi death tolls ( i.e. 1918). The virus now deemed "avian flu" is a flu virus that primarily affects birds but has shown it can crossover to humans and pigs. There are three main parts of a flu virus each with 5 minor sub parts and 2 of the three main parts have become basically "humanized." The only thing preventing the flu from going global fast is it has not yet evolved to transfer effectively from human to human. Up till now, most cases ( 99.8%) of human acquisition can be traced to contact with infected animals and the disease probably isn't even as bad now in them as it would be if it was transferred directly to humans. Once the virus evolves (and it will after enough human infections) into a human to human virus, watch out! Flu vaccines are basically made after the flu comes out originally so we have a chance to vaccinate the populace b/4 the virus emerges but flu vaccines are hard to make and have to be refrigerated ( i.e. eliminating vaccines for 2/3's of the planet) so it will be nasty for most of the world but the US and Europe should be ok.

Have fun with that!

Eat more chicken, the less of them there is the less chance you'll get sick... trust me!


At 6:54 AM, Blogger AmandaMae said...

Matthew, when we were eating in the Indian restaurant....mom told me I was probably going to die of the bird flu....damn it

At 7:45 AM, Blogger NoOneSpecial said...

i just eat dolphin....they're cute and cuddly and you never of them getting sick...cause they're too smart to get sick!

At 11:26 AM, Blogger AmandaMae said...

You know Dolphins are the only other mammal that has sex for fun? Interesting.....

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

monkey's do too

bet you won't look at a box of coccoa crisp the same every again :)

At 12:40 PM, Blogger AmandaMae said...

No Pineapple........I wont. Is this how ya'll justify the whole evolution theory? Or is that where the term "hot monkey sex" came from? Hey, Think about dophins and flipper...."faster than lightning" ewwwwh!!!

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

to JUSTIFY evolution? Go back to Tennessee Miss Scopes.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger AmandaMae said...

Shut up Dave :)

At 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that women attract birds infected with the Avian Flu... they can smell the menstruation.


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