Monday, May 02, 2005

Christians = Irony

Oh Kansas, good for nothing state. Corn, inbred people, and being able to pedal once on a bicycle and coast from border to border is about all this state is good for. Now, a great debate is arising in their department of education. CNN reports that the Christian "right" government wants to knock evolution out of the class room. There are some extremely funny parts of this article. My personal favorite has to be this next excerpt.

"Some evolution detractors say that the belief that humans, animals and organisms evolved over long spans of time is inconsistent with Biblical teachings that life was created by God. The Bible's Old Testament says that God created life on Earth including the first humans, Adam and Eve, in six days.

Detractors also argue that evolution is invalid science because it cannot be tested or verified and say it is inappropriately being indoctrinated into education and discouraging consideration of alternatives. "

Yes, read it again just to make sure you didn't suffer an anurism from reading something so dumb. They knock evolution "theory" (because that is what it is and theory's are open to change) is invalid because it can't be tested. MMmmmmmmm well doesn't that put us in a pickle. Unless Doc Emmit Brown really has a Delorean with Jumpin Jiggawatt power, how can YOU prove that a man with a grey beard created the world in 6 days. Sounds like a little bit of invalid science to me as well! So let me get this straight. A book, started by men around 2500 BC who heard this from a burning bush is valid science. Clearly, the years we have spent expanding our knowledge of our world through the scientific method was a gargantuan waste of time.

I don't want people to think I am not religious from this article and am bashing religion, I just think it has no place in government and thus not in schools. If someone wants their kid to learn that the "fundemental version" of the Bible so much, put them in those Christian "Brainwashing" Academies in every town. I went to one of these schools and when the topic of evolution came up, I asked a simple question. How can you explain dinosaurs and why are they dated from 65 million years ago which is in direct contradiction to the Bible through which Bible scholars estimate the age of the Earth at about 6k years? First off, the great brainwasher himself tells me that dinosaurs are, in fact, in the Old Testament. There is an animal described as a "Behemoth" (by the description, it is clearly someone who saw an elephant for the first time) and this clearly describes the Dinosaurs. To add to that, the reason they aren't around is that they were wiped out in the flood (even though the Bible says that Noah took two of EVERY animal alive at the time onto his ship (no contradiction there I guess)). Well, if anyone else finds it hard to believe that Noah was fending off his wooden ship from unrelenting T-rex and Raptor attacks with sling shots and sharpened sticks, evolution may be the theory for you. That constitutes valid science as far as my brainwashing teachers were concerned. Just because something is written in the "prevailing" mythology happening in such a way does not by any means qualify as 100% scientific proof. Try proving your BS scientifically instead of ALWAYS falling back on "It's in the Bible," "It says that right here in the Bible," "the Bible proves it right here," then maybe I'll be a little more sympathetic. I guess its a good thing that the Roman mythology isn't that popular anymore or orgies would be more socially acceptable.

I can prove evolution to you, all I need is bacteria. Since they divide every 8-20 minutes, scientists have proven that their DNA changes overtime leading to speciation (the key for evolution). Too bad you selfish conservative Christian pricks. Stop forcing your religion on a society that may claim to be Christian but doesn't need it to saturate 100% of their daily lives like you assholes. The reason there is a separation of church and state is not everyone believes what you do and they shouldn't be FORCED TO because MAYBE YOU ARE WRONG. Kansas wants to force religion on students, which is illegal, don't need a Bible to tell me that. If you want that so bad, fucking move to Utah.

Religion is a good thing. It is a standard set of morals that every one can and should live by. What is wrong with love thy neighbor, respect your parents, don't murder? Nothing. Like all other things, it becomes corrupted when people take it literally or abuse it for power.



At 9:27 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

i can't wait until the day comes when the bible becomes "mythology" ... similar to how Greeks thought a man in a chariot drove the sun up every morning.

At 1:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Budura, this has nothing to do with this web page, but I wanted to send you this link. This has to be, by far, the best website on the internet.

Is there anything better than listening to a crackwhore's tragic life and then watching her get fucked in the ass? I think not.


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