Monday, March 28, 2005

Michael Jackson Finally Did It!

Whelp, he finally did it. Michael Jackson threw it all on the table and said he is being held under the thumb of "the Man" and being scruitinized soley because he is........ yes...... you guessed it, an African American....


Quoting Michael "I am just another black man the likes of Nelson Mandela and Mohammed Ali who is being targeted for the color of my skin." What, pray tell, is the fucking color of your skin MICHELLE? I guess you spent too much on that log ride in your front yard and your mini-sized bondage basement that you couldn't spring for a mirror. Michael Jackson may have BEEN BLACK; however, he needs to pick a race now (and not just the one that makes the media sympathetic to him) and Diana Ross or Peter Pan don't count. If California lets this guy off, then every judge, lawyer, DA, and everyone else responsible for persecuting criminals should be shipped to Antartica with a toothbrush and a gallon of lard and be forced to fend for themselves. They can feed Ito to the Yeti first. THE GUY HAS A FUCKING AMUSEMENT PARK AT HIS HOUSE.... hmmm is it because he reallllllllly loves riding the tilt'a'whirl? It's more that he likes tiltin'Will's anus around his finger? Michael Jackson having an amusement park at his house is like Hitler opening up a Deli, bad things are going to happen. Bottom line (excuse the pun) is Michael Jackson is a certifiable weirdo. If he didn't whack this kid off after an all nighter with "Jesus Juice," than he will do it to some other kid sooner or later. Throw him in jail with Nasty Nate for awhile and see how he loves getting things shoved up his pasty white ass.

Michael Jackson molests kids..... DUH
And he isn't black.......................... DUH


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