Sunday, May 22, 2005

Stem Cell Research is Immoral

Now you may wonder why I think such a thing due to my 'religious' bashing of the Christian Right? My stance on this issue has nothing to do with heaven vs. hell morals, just plain and simple human morals. The bottom line with this type of research is, we are experimenting on human beings without consent or care. We are using, a conceivably viable human being and either destroying it or changing it to suit a desired purpose. Many people consider destroying an embryo similar to abortion; however, I think this is a poor example. Abortion is a choice by the mother to respectfully (as respectfully as possible) end the life of the embryo/fetus inside of her. If anyone reading this has ever worked in any biology lab, the things we work with or "destroy" are usually not done very kindly or respectfully. Another problem, abortion is one embryo, one mother, one choice. Stem cell research would require thousands (maybe even millions before it's scientifically panned/proved), conceivably thousands of donors, and conceivably 100's of loopholes to go straight from this to human cloning (which is even more immoral in my book but thats not a talk for now).

Another point, George Bush denying funding for stem cell research does NOT mean that this type of research is NOT being done in America. It just means that Federal Money will not go to support studies like this. Well, if the big Pharma companies in America thought this was the way to go and they could make a profit from it, they are TOTALLY ALLOWED TO PERFORM STEM CELL RESEARCH. In fact, many of these companies are already performing the research. So what may I ask, is the big deal then? It just gives everyone a chance to attack one of the few things I agree with GW for.

The drive to survive and reproduce are the strongest two human instincts. I don't think we should take certain steps to achieve these goals though. If a doctor told me I would have to eat my sister's left arm to cure me from a tumor in my kidney, I would punch the doctor in his face and tell him to get the leeches off my chest and I'm outta here; however, there are people who would eat their own sister's arm to survive. Stem cell research is a very young science; but just like snake oil, at the moment, it promises ALOT more than it has ever delivered. People can grow them, great, but NO one knows if they can make a kidney, repair nerves, or even be able to control their growth! As a scientist, I have not one study that proves (REPRODUCABLY FUCKO'S) it can cure anything in humans. If we are so into this stem cell crap, why don't we just devote all of our money into adult stem cell research which is not so ethically shakey. Bone marrow cells can also differentiate into a variety of cells. Why don't we just take cells from people and experiment on them? One patient, one cell line, one choice, easy! But you won't hear about that on CNN or FUX's News because it doesn't SELL DA PAEPAH'S. EMBRYONIC stem cell research is and should be unethical no matter what the cures are. We are taking viable humans and destroying them for the sake of other humans and that is wrong in every sense. The day we start experimenting on humans without a choice, without care, and basically for pure exploitation, I'm moving to Tattoine.


At 10:54 PM, Blogger Aventius said...

Can I eat your sister's arm? By the way... good article.

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should be the judge of the living and the dead. All persons must stand before me and show why they deserve to live. Who would be the first to go, you ask? This answer is simple: John Mayer and all his 'daughters' of the world.

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously you know more about this than I do because it's your field... but I thought they could do gather stem cells from umbilical cords. What is wrong with that? I'm interested in your thoughts. I agree with a lot of what you're saying in your post, but I don't believe the research should just be abandoned, if their alternatives methods to retrieving the stem cells, as opposed to taking them from live embryos.

At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Fantasy team pimped your fantasy team beotch. w00pa w00pa

At 4:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One can only imagine how much these girls' pussies smell

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell Dave that I am rather fond of my right arm and that he can not eat it.

At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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